Mar Murube

Mar M. Design

I'm Mar, a designer with a human touch and over 20 years of experience creating solutions that truly connect with people. Here are some of the things I'm really good at:

Participants seated around a table, engaged in a workshop activity. Bright neon sticky notes, markers, and coffee cups are spread across the table as people write down ideas.

Understanding users

User research is all about truly understanding the people who will use your product or service. While methods like surveys and data analysis provide valuable insights, qualitative research—through interviews, usability testing, and observation—digs deeper into the why behind user behaviors and decisions. It's this human-centered approach that helps create solutions that resonate on a personal level and meet their real needs.

Bringing products to life

UX and product design work hand in hand, but they focus on different aspects of creating a successful product. UX design is all about the user journey, ensuring every interaction feels natural, intuitive, and enjoyable. It looks at how users experience a product, from start to finish. Product design, on the other hand, focuses on the bigger picture—balancing the business goals with user needs, while also overseeing the physical or digital product’s creation. Where UX ensures the product works for people, product design makes sure it fits into the market and delivers real value.

Hand-drawn wireframes and user flow sketches for an event listing platform. The sketches show different layouts for event listing pages, including grid and list views, as well as user flows for booking and browsing events. Sticky notes label sections such
Mar is kneeling on the floor, sketching an end-to-end journey on a large sheet of paper taped to the wall. The sketch outlines the lifecycle for different user types, with red and black marker notations. Above, detailed documents and sticky notes are poste

Design the end-to-end experience

Service design goes beyond just creating a product—it’s about shaping the entire experience around it. While product design focuses on making a single item work well, service design looks at how everything fits together: the people, processes, and systems behind the scenes. It's not just about the "what" but the "how" everything connects, making sure users have a smooth and meaningful experience from start to finish.

Guiding teams forward

Mentoring and leading teams is a key part of what I do. It’s about nurturing talent, building trust, and creating a space where everyone can thrive. I focus on helping teams grow their skills, tackle challenges, and stay aligned with our goals, all while fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity. It’s not just leadership—it’s about empowering people to succeed together.

Illustration of several hands coming together in the center, symbolizing teamwork and collaboration. Each hand has a unique style, showing diversity.
Mar standing in front of a wall covered with sticky notes, sketches, and design principles, explaining ideas to two colleagues during a workshop. The wall is filled with colorful notes and diagrams related to the project at hand.

Making ideas happen

Workshop facilitation and managing relationships is about creating spaces where ideas flow and decisions get made. I help teams and collaborators cut through the noise, focusing on what matters most to drive projects forward. By guiding discussions and keeping everyone aligned, I make sure we stay efficient, productive, and focused on clear outcomes.

Teams I've worked with

Here are some of the teams (clients, parners and agencies) I've worked with.

Nexer logo
NHS logo
Camden Council logo
Wellcome logo
European Commission logo
BMA logo
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) logo
Department for Education (DfE) logo
Research Data Scotland logo
Astra Zeneca logo
UserZoom logo
The Fork logo
Kainos logo
Made by Many logo
Foundry 4 logo
Digi2al logo


Feel free to reach out if you're looking for thoughtful design that puts people first – I'm always happy to chat!